South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Gleneagles Country Club
October 9, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:56 AM by Pres. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Gleneagles Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.
Roll call was taken, and all the clubs were present.
Past presidents in attendance were Chuck Milber and Paul Weiss.
Guests: From Boca Woods – Linda Fontana, president, David Gourley, manager, and Jeremey Moe, director of golf. From polo – a new governor, Joel Kaye.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:
Opening Balance: $3,582.07
Check: #124 Adjusted to $135
New Balance: $3,537.07
The treasurer was not in attendance as his wife was having surgery. Mike Lapkin asked Len Kerker, the chairman of good and welfare, to send a card.
President Lapkin complimented Aberdeen for the wonderful Presidents’ Day that they hosted. He then presented the league championship trophy to Boca Woods and the division trophies to Boca Woods and Broken Sound.
The President asked for anyone interested in running for office to email him their intentions prior to the December meeting.
Old Business:
At the previous meeting, a proposal to lower the front tee index was tabled. It was brought up, but Gleneagles withdrew their motion in favor of a proposal by Jay Levine to base front tee qualification not on index but on handicap for each specific course. This motion passed 9 to 7. Jay will report at the next meeting as to his suggestion for the appropriate handicap.
New Business:
Jay Wiston suggested since we have a large balance in the treasury, that the treasurer look at reducing or eliminating dues for next year.
Committee Reports:
Jay Levine asked everyone to report any issue to him ASAP that might affect scheduling.
Jay Levine said that we will still only print a limited number of books, and that Larry Stone would send a form to each club to fill out online which will be used to update the booklet and the website.
Next meeting will be on December 4 at Broken Sound Club.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone