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South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Gleneagles Country Club


Tuesday October 11, 2016


Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Pres. Chuck Milber. He thanked the members of Gleneagles for hosting a beautiful breakfast and warmly welcomed all the Governors.


Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present with exception of Woodfield


Past president in attendance was Paul Weiss & Jerry Rosenzweig.


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


President's report:

Presidents Day was hosted by Wycliffe Country Club on September 28th and was a big success.


The league Champion Trophy was presented to Boca Lago. All warmly extended their congratulations.


Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures as noted below.


Opening Balance: $2,444.16

$135.00-----disbursement for Past Presidents at              Presidents’ Day tournament

New Balance:             $2,109.16


The fee for next season will remain the same at $175 for each club


Committee Reports:


Nominating: The slate of the new officers was presented and passed by acclimation.


President: Michael Lapkin

Vice President: Len Kerker

Treasurer: Richard North

Secretary: Larry Stone


Booklet: Jerry distributed information sheets in order to update any changes for next year’s book.


By- Laws and Rules:

General (b)

If a team does not have enough front tee players to accommodate the three team forward tee rule, they must match up all existing forward tee players before creating split tee teams. PASSED


The minimum number of teams for each club’s match shall be 8 with a minimum of 5 back tee and 3 front tee matches. After the mid-season match the minimum number of teams for each club’s match shall be 6 with a minimum of 3 back tee and 3 front tee matches.    DEFEATED


General (f)

(Next to last sentence)

The match will begin at the first hole and South County rules shall apply. PASSED


(Last sentence)

To qualify to play in any post-season match, a player must have played in 4 regular



To qualify to play in any post-season match, a player must have actually played in or been scheduled to play including as an alternate, and in the event of a rain out, at least four times on the fully completed score sheet submitted to the Scoring and Handicap Chair.  PASSED


Method of Play (b)

The host team must supply a complete roster to the visiting team no later than Sunday 3:00 pm. DEFEATED


The host team must supply a complete roster to the visiting team no later than Sunday 5:00 pm. PASSED


If the home team chooses not to allow the visiting team at least two alternates and a player drops out after the 3:00 pm deadline on Tuesday, that player cannot be replaced. If the visiting team chooses not to bring the allowed alternates, the rule does not apply. PASSED


Method of Play (c)

Alternatively, players with an index of 18 or more who are moved up to play against regular tee players shall play from the forward tees. DEFEATED


Method of Play (c)

To qualify to be a forward tee player, a player must have a league index of no less than 18.  (Yardage 5400 to 5600).  To qualify to be a middle tee player, a player must have a league index of 14.0 to 17.9.  (Yardage 5600 to 5900). To qualify to be a back tee player, a player must have a league index of 13.9 or less.  (Yardage 6000 to 6300). TABLED


Method of Play (c)

To qualify to play from the forward tee, a player must have a league index of no less than 17.0 with a minimum of 4 teams from the front tees during the first half of the season and 3 teams from the front tees at mid-season . PASSED


    b. Eliminate the 3 PM Tuesday deadline. DEFEATED


    c. Players may play from their preferred tees, not based on their handicaps. Partners must play from the same tees. DEFEATED



Use regular index not league index. DEFEATED


If players continue to play after the match is completed, they are to enter their actual scores without using the equitable stroke control rules. DEFEATED


Eliminate the 28.7 cap on index. DEFEATED


Each person’s handicap will be calculated on the basis of the best 6 scores out of 12. PASSED


If there is a difference of more than 6 strokes between opposing players in a foursome, 80% of the entire difference shall be used. DEFEATED


Reinstate the 80% rule for back tee players. DEFEATED


Have pros enter the scores for remaining holes when a match is over. PASSED



Use the Nassau System with 1 point for the winner of the front nine, 1 point for the winner of the back nine and 1 point for the overall winner. The winning team can get as much as 3 points in the league standings.  A tie counts for 11/2  points for both teams. A rain out is worth 1/2 point. DEFEATED

Score according to the Nassau System with the winning team getting 2 points  for the win and 0 points for the loser and 11/2 points for a tie for both teams. A rain out is worth ½ point. DEFEATED


Nassau System with the winning team getting 2 points for the win, 0 points for the loser, 1 point for a tie for both teams and ½ point for rain out. DEFEATED


Inclement Weather & Incomplete Matches

If at least 50% of the teams shall have completed 13 holes of play or completed their match at the time play is halted, then all matches shall be declared official. DEFEATED


If at least one team shall have completed 15 holes of play or completed their match at the time play is halted, then all matches shall be declared official. DEFEATED


All teams must have completed their matches in order for the team match to be declared official. DEFEATED


If at least one team shall have completed 13 holes of play or completed their match, except for a forfeit, at the time play is halted, then all matches shall be declared official. PASSED


Host Clubs

No breakfast.  Arrive at 8:00 am to warm up and start play at 8:30am. DEFEATED


Scoring & Handicap: The proposed new rule for three different tees was tabled for more discussion at the next meeting.


Website: Larry Stone has added a new link to the website where you will be able to directly e-mail to all governors but only from your computer.  Another new addition is the ability to access phone numbers and email addresses by clicking on them.


Good and Welfare: Mike Ringler announced that Aberdeen's course will be undergoing renovations and that all clubs involved please check their schedules as all of Aberdeen’s matches will be away.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM.


Next meeting is on December 13th at Polo Country Club


Respectfully submitted,

Michael Lapkin


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