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October 14, 2014



South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Boca Pointe Country Club

October 14, 2014

President Rosenzweig called the meeting to order at 7:59 A.M. He thanked Boca Pointe for hosing the meeting and for a lovely breakfast.

Roll call: All clubs were in attendance.

Jerry welcomed past presidents Ron Masterman and Art Saverick.

There were no guests in attendance.

Minutes of September 9th were accepted.

Treasures report:  Jerry announced that Tom Mandler has submitted his resignation due to conflicts with his working schedule. Jerry thanked him on behalf of all the Governors for his many years of service. Jerry also announced that Rich North of Gleneagles has volunteered to assume the position of treasurer on a temporary basis. The balance on the account is $150 less since last month. The expenditure was for the three hole in one recipients.

Committee Reports:

            Booklet: Changes are being made for next season.

            Expansion: Conversation with another interested club are ongoing. They are  awaiting a                 vote of their membership.                              

            Good and Welfare: No report.

            Grievance: No report.

            Publicity; No report.

            Nominating: No report.

            Scheduling: No report.

            Scoring: No report.

            Website: No report.

President’s Report: Jerry congratulated Broken Sound for winning this year’s championship. He thanked the Polo club for graciously hosting the championship match and Mizner Country Club for hosting the President’s Day golf Outing. The Hole in One plaques are not ready as yet but each player has received their money.    

Old Business: None

New Business: Suggested Rule Changes for the 2015 Season.

The following rule changes were adopted:

       If the home team does not have 22 active participants, the visiting team shall be able to bring the difference as alternates. 

       In any match, clubs should meet the amount of competition  players of the opposing team before entering alternates.

      Eliminate neutral sites for playoffs.  The higher placed team shall have home course advantage except for the championship match.

       In order to be qualified for play in any post season match, a player must have been scheduled to play at least 4 times in league play during the regular season.

      Elimination the 80% rule.

      Any match that cannot be completed because of adverse weather conditions and where  no team has completed a minimum of 13 holes or completed a match prior to 13 holes should be determined a rainout.

     The rain refund policy should be: up to 4 holes of play: $10 charge, up to 9 holes of play:  $20 charge, over 9 holes of play: full charge

     Breakfast should be restored on a limited basis of bagels and coffee

     Serve breakfast with a cost of $45.00 per man.

     Talking or texting on a cell phone may be used during league play only for emergencies.

     Return to one single league without divisions.

     Each cart in competition shall contain one member form each team.     

The following by-law change was tabled until the next meeting. President Rosenzweig appointed an ad hoc committee to discuss and formulate their recommendation regarding this matter. The committee consists of Jerry Rosenzweig of Aberdeen, Michael Lapkin of Broken Sound, Bob Bailey of Mizner, Billy Schwartz of Boca Greens and Manny Newman of Gleneagles.

            Article III (Add Section 4)   All member clubs must be a Private Country Club with a                     minimum of  one golf course.

            The golf course must be playable up to the standards of  the league. All member clubs                      should have dining facilities to accommodate all  required meals and events of the league.

The following rule change was tabled until next meeting for clarification and rewording.

          Before starting a match in a handicap competition, the players should determine from one another their respective handicaps. If a player begins a match having declared a handicap higher than that to which he is entitled and this affects the number of strokes given or received, he is disqualified; otherwise, the player must play off the declared handicap.

Next meeting to held on December 9th at Broken Sound Country Club.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:14 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Lapkin



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