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The meeting was called to order at 8:03 by Larry Stone.  All Clubs were present. Minutes from the last meeting were accepted.


The Treasurer, Sandy Cohn, reported that from the $1869 we had in cash in July in our account we have only $520.62 left.  As a result, dues for the 2024 season are now set at $150 per club. Checks made out to Sandford Cohn are due at the December meeting.


Larry Stone gave his President’s Report.  He announced the retirement of George Kutin, Larry Gandel and Dan Twer, and introduced new Governors Norm Batansky & Mark Kotok (Boca Pointe) and Terry Steinberg (Boca Woods).


The report summary that was provided by Jay Levine of the Standards and compliance

Committee was mentioned. Larry was disappointed with the participation. Of the 105 matches, there were only 73 reports done. The results will be discussed when Jay Levine is available.


Larry presented the results of two surveys. The roster size survey yielded these results: Our rosters ranged from 35 to 58 with the average being 44. There were 8 teams with rosters of 40 or under with the average being 37 and 7 teams of 48 or higher with the average being 51. That’s a difference of 13 players on average, and there does not seem to be a correlation with club size. He stressed the need for active recruiting. He stated that the disparity in roster size is one of our biggest challenges, and that we need to educate people about the league.

The survey on governor responsibility resulted in the President presenting a 13 point outline defining the role of the governors. A motion was unanimously passed codifying it, and it will appear on the website under the menu choice, “People”, and will be given to new Governors.


The next meeting is Tuesday, December 12th at Indian Springs (7:30am breakfast). Future meetings are as follows: 2/13 (Woodfield), 4/9 (Aberdeen), 5/14 (Boca Pointe), 7/9 (Boca Woods), 10/8 (Delaire) and 12/10 (Polo).


The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Elliott Freiberg, Secretary

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