South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Via Zoom
May 11, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am by Pres. Jay Levine.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except The Fountains.
Past president in attendance was Chuck Milber.
This was a second special meeting to discuss the 2021 season in light of the Covid Pandemic. Pres. Levine reported that he has compiled the data from the various clubs and is suggesting a six week season starting June 16 with the schedule done by random selection. Proof of vaccination will be needed. No food service will be required but will be determined by each host. Larry Bloch asked about starting earlier. Jay said he would see if anyone was available and would pair them up if possible.
Rich North’s Treasurer’s Report:
He is still looking for someone to replace him. It only requires about one hour per month. He collected dues in 2020. Boca Lago did not pay, and Wycliffe requested a refund. There is $3,500 in the treasury. This year, there will be no hole-in-one money.
The discussion returned to this year’s season. President’s Day was mentioned. It was decided to wait until later in the year to determine the feasibility of having it.
Bernie Bloomfield asked about fees. If food is provided, there would be a $50 maximum charge. With no food, the charge would be $30 - $35. Jay suggested that they be paid through inter club billing as we do with reciprocals. He will draft a letter to send to the general managers. Jay will also provide a randomized draft schedule by Friday, May 14.
Some clubs preferred afternoon play. Jay will try to pair them up. Playing in August and September was discussed. That will be decided as the season progresses.
Having money involved in the matches was mentioned. Bernie Bloomfield said that it was not in the spirit of the league and it was dismissed.
Bert Wellman suggested that visiting teams provide the names of their players by Friday at 5:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone