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South County League Board Meeting at Wycliffe


July 11, 2023


The meeting was called to order at 8:05 by Larry Stone.  All Clubs were present. Minutes from the last meeting were accepted.


The Treasurer Sandy Cohn reported that there was $1869 left in cash in our account after the expense for the website and a hole in one.


Larry Stone gave his President’s Report. He introduced his newest captain Bart Charlip, and urged governors to seek out younger captains to train as governors for the future of the league. He also discussed the relationship of Governors to their pro shop and encouraged governors to be more independent. He reviewed the rule that governors can waive the rules and encouraged a more nuanced approach.


Jay offered to help any governors in the best use of Golf Genius.


CPO rules were read and emphasized. Elliott Frieberg would like to revisit rescheduling of matches in the Fall.  


A motion was passed to make a change in the by laws that allows governors with 5 or more years of service who retire after July 11, 2023 to become a governor emeritus and a non voting member of the board.


The new billing system has been approved by 13 clubs with 2 clubs still in discussion. It will be initiated next week.


The daily fees for the matches were discussed again. It was suggested that breakfast be eliminated to keep the costs down in the future.  There is a wide spread cost of $20-50 being charged for home team members.  This also needs to be addressed in the Fall meeting.


Jay Levine suggested that a forfeit in August due to hot weather only be the greater of 9.5 or the winning teams point average to date.  It was brought up by Elliott Freiberg that there should never be a 19-0 forfeit, and a motion was passed making this a new rule for forfeits.


There was a discussion of the heat indexes, and if we should have a guideline for this in the future. This will require further discussion, but the concept that the health of our members is the most important issue.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 am.


The next meeting is Tuesday, October 10th at Broken Sound (7:30am breakfast).


Respectfully submitted,


Elliott Freiberg, Secretary

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