Minutes for South County League Meeting on February 14 th at Hunters Run
The meeting was called to order by Larry Stone at 8:00am. There was a very elaborate
and appreciated breakfast spread provided by Hunters Run. All 15 teams were in
Both the General Manager and Director of Golf of Hunters Run spoke welcoming us and
expressing how pleased they are to be involved with the league.
Lary Stone presented a plaque to Jay Levine commemorating his years of service to the
league as president.
Jay Levine spoke regarding the schedule, which was created but not available. Each of
the 15 teams would play seven home matches and 7 away matches, with one bye
week. There is a possibility that Mizner might rejoin the league, in which case there
would be no bye weeks. It was voted to give them one more week to respond and
Since there are no home and home matches this year, any change in schedule can be
to any available date from April1 through 8/31. If that doesn’t work, then the Host club
gets a forfeit.
The new playoff format will include eight teams this year with no bye week for the first
place team.
Regarding refunds for weather impacted matches, there will be a 30% ($15) charge if
breakfast was completed, a 50% ($25) charge if the matches begin, and a 100% ($50)
charge if it is an official match as determined by the rules.
Canceled matches must now be rescheduled unless there are no playoff implications. In
that case if it cannot be rescheduled it is a tie. If playoff implications exist teams have
until 8/31 to play their match.
After a discussion about changing the weekly point system from 19 to 21 points and a
subsequent tie vote, Larry Stone decided to keep it the way it is at 19 points per match.
His reason being that it benefits the league to keep as many teams competing for the
playoffs as possible.
The next meeting will be at Stonebridge on April 11 th. and the Pros will be invited. We
discussed exactly who the Governors should invite, and it was decided that it is
preferred to be the Pro that directly handles the South County League at each Club.
There was also a discussion about how many people should attend the meeting, and it
was decided that it be the Governor or Governors of each club, plus one Professional.
The Annual Governors Outing will be held at Boca Woods this year in October. Date to
be determined.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:42.
Addendum to the minutes:
About one week after the above meeting and before the meeting with the pros, there was a vote taken via email on a proposal to go back to not allowing rescheduling of matches cancelled due to inclement weather predominantly due to the scheduling challenges we face now with one division. The proposal was approved by the vote of 10 of the 12 clubs that responded.