South County Governors meeting at The Polo Club on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.
The meeting was delayed and called to order at 8:20am by Pres. Jay Levine.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Jay Levine is stepping down as President of the league. The first order of business
was to approve the new officers, who are:
President: Larry Stone: Broken Sound
Vice President: Alan Rubinstein: Delaire
Treasurer: Sandy Cohn: Boca Lago
Secretary: Elliott Freiberg: Stonebridge
Future playoff options were discussed, mostly concerning location rather than
format. Should teams with the better record get to host the finals? Which clubs
might be willing to host the finals, mostly in the afternoon as the morning is
unlikely? More discussions on this subject are to be discussed at future meetings.
There was some discussion about how to handle possible match forfeits. Jay
Levine mentioned that they do not happen very often but there needs to be some
hard and fast rules. Other situations that were discussed including how much to
charge if there is a rainout while play is occurring in addition to how do the teams
deal with a Cart Path Only golf course condition situation.
Future Governors meetings will be as follows:
February 14 th Boca West
April 11 th Stonebridge (w/Golf Professionals)
May 9 th Hunters Run
July 11 th Wycliffe
October 10 th Broken Sound
There will be a new committee to set standards for food service, course conditions, and facilities. It is also tasked with resolving issues of non compliance. The name of the committee is Standards and Compliance, and it will be chaired by Jay Levine.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40am
Submitted by,
Elliott Freiberg, Secretary