South County League Board of Governors Meeting at Indian Spring Country Club
December 12, 2023
The governor from Indian Springs Introduced their new Pro and Director of Golf.
The meeting was called to order at 8:02 am by Presisdent Larry Stone. He thanked Indian Spring for hosting a wonderful breakfast.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.
Past president Mike Lapkin was also in attendance.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report: Sandy Cohn reported a current balance of $670. He is still in the process of collecting this year’s dues of $150.
There were several rule changes presented and voted on:
Proposed this change in wording - “If the players on any club, which does not have enough players to conform to the handicap differential rule, are listed in ascending order and the handicaps for consecutive players are greater than the 5 index point rule, the higher handicap players shall not be penalized. When a club has players available who conform to the handicap differential rule and exceeds the parameters by not using that player, the offending club shall forfeit the individual match unless the violations are corrected prior to the start of play.” PASSED
Proposed to have the playoff finals at the home course of the highest seeded finalist. PASSED
Proposed to have the playoffs straight match play and not points. DECLINED
Proposed to eliminate breakfast. PASSED
Proposed to keep the away fee at $50. PASSED
Proposed to allow players to play from the tee of their choice (front or back). PASSED There was a discussion as to whether the 5 point maximum separation between partners should be handicap or index related. It was decided to leave it as index related.
Proposed that matches canceled due to weather, etc. will result in no points to either team, and that the standings will be determined by the percentage of wins rather than total points. PASSED
A motion to remove the extra 19th point for winning a match was withdrawn.
Hunters Run informed the Board that their management wanted to accept only afternoon or away matches. They were informed that those options were not an option. They will get back to the Board.
Boca Lago apologized to the Board for the condition at their club last year and mentioned changes that have been made.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Elliott Freiberg