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May 13, 2014                                                          



South County Board of Governors Meeting

Delaire Country Club

May 13 2014

President Jerry Rosenzweig called the meeting to order at 8:04 AM. He thanked Delaire

CC for hosting a wonderful breakfast.

All clubs were in attendance with the exception of the Fountains.

Jerry welcomed Past President Art Saverick.

There were no guests in present.

The minutes of April 8th were accepted without any changes.

Treasurers Report: Tom Mandler stated there was a $300 expenditure and the balance

is $3,469.71.

Committee Reports:

1. Grievance: Art Saverick reported a grievance and will recues himself because

his team is involved. He will turn the issue over to Ron Masterman. It will be

adjudicated this month.

2. Scoring: Howard Rosenbaum reported that the handicap program only uses

Windows XP and since that operating system has been discontinued it will be

necessary to upgrade. He will research what will be required and purchase

the appropriate upgrade.

3. Website: Art Hoffman stated that the website has been significantly enhanced

and thanks Rich North for his assistance.

President’s Report: Jerry stated that we have gotten off to a good start and we have had

two weeks rain free. There was also a situation after a match was concluded that the

visiting players wished to continue but the host team players left. Art Hoffman referred to

Rule 9-k which states:

The host captain shall assure that each of his teams shall play all 18 holes,

if requested.

Old Business: None

New Business: Jay Wiston stated that in a recent match players from the same club

were paired together. It is the understanding that a visiting player should ride with a host

team player. It was suggested that Jay speak with Jerry and that President Rosenzweig

will resolve the situation so no further infraction(s) will occur.

Good and Welfare: None. New Chairman will be Michael Lapkin of Broken Sound.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 AM.

Next meeting June 10 at Aberdeen

Michael Lapkin



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