May12, 2015
South County League Board of Governors Meeting.
Boca Lago country club
May 12, 2015
President Chuck Milber called the meeting to order at 8:01 AM. He thanked Boca Lago
Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.
Roll Call: All clubs were in attendance.
Chuck welcomed past presidents, Jerry Rosenzweig and Art Savarick.
Sam Metzer was introduced as the new co-Governor of Delaire
Minutes were accepted
Treasures report: Richard North
The bank balance remains at $3457.08
Committee reports:
A. By laws and rules and Booklet: Jerry Rosenzweig announced that he still has
extra copies of the Booklet if they are needed.
B. Expansion: As we are down to seventeen member clubs Michael Lapkin
asked the members if they are aware of any other clubs that may be interested in
joining our league. The desire is to get back to the original eighteen.
C. Good and welfare: Chuck notified the group that Joe Unger a former
Governor at Boca Country Club passed on May 2 of this year. A letter of condolence
was sent to his family.
D. Scoring & Handicap: Jay Levine happily reported that the system is working
well and a minor glitch when totaling a teams score has been rectified. He added that
feedback from the pros has been uniformly positive. Results of the weeks matches are
tabulated and handicap indexes adjusted. they will all be available by five o'clock after
the days matches. Jerry Rosenzweig added that Jay has done a marvelous job and all
heartily concurred
F: There were no other committee reports.
Presidents report:
1. Cart Path only rules: On page 24 paragraph 6 in the handbook the first
paragraph sets the description that 6 holes are the minimum requirement for the cart
path rule to be in effect.. Then it is up to the two Governors to play or declare a rain-out.
The second half of paragraph 6 sets how the teams will play if not rained-out. Eight (8)
players must be available.
Chuck has suggested that if feasible that the Governors or Captains pick a team that would
willing to play cart path only prior to the match.. Chuck feels that this would make it easier for
the pro shop to arrange score cards for these limited and probably new pairings.
2. Players competing from different tees: Since there have many instances where
matches necessitates competing from different tees it was reiterated that we should follow the
USGA rules governing this situation. There was a relatively brief discussion and all members
agreed. Below is the USGA Rule:
There was no old business, new business, nor good and welfare.
A motion for adjournment was made and seconded.
The next meeting will be at BOCA WOODS COUNTRY CLUB ON JUNE 9TH
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Lapkin