South County League Board of Governors Meeting
The Fountains Country Club
March 10, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 8:14 am by Pres. Jay Levine. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked the Fountains Country Club and their staff for hosting breakfast.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.
Past presidents in attendance were Mike Lapkin and Chuck Milber.
President Levine asked for a moment of silence in memory of our recently deceased members Al Berger and Paul Weiss.
Treasurer report: In Richard North’s absence, Larry Stone reported on our income and expenditures:
Opening Balance: $4,323.20
$1,635 to Boca West for President’s Day
$200 for Hole in One
New Balance: $2,488.20
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Alan Rubinstein introduced Payton Shapiro of Pro Link Sports who runs the Schwab Cup Champion’s PGA Tournament to be held in October at the Old Course at Broken Sound. He spoke to the members about being a volunteer for the tournament. Anyone that is interested should contact Alan Rubinstein.
President’s Report:
President Levine reported that we are back to 8 teams in each division, because Wycliffe could not field a team. They are currently in discussions to possibly join with another club. As a result, the schedule for the Palmer Division has been redone. Please notify President Levine of any conflicts ASAP.
He also reported that there has been some problems with the GHIN report. If any pro shops have a problem, contact Jay and he will help.
New Business:
Lou Safian said that Indian Spring has almost no back tee players. Alan Rubinstein reintroduced the idea of all players playing the tee of their choice. It was suggested that this was too important an issue to discuss briefly. It was tabled until a later date, and President Levine said that governors need to negotiate to deal with this in the interim.
Manny Newman said that some teams will only play the minimum number of front tee players. Jay again suggested that the governors should negotiate, and that he, or the Vice President in his absence, would mediate if necessary.
Larry Stone made a motion to change the spread between partners from 5 to 8 index points. Since there was no second, the motion was defeated.
President Levine reiterated that only players with a legitimate handicap can play in the league. This requires that all scores are posted, and he will be checking. He also restated that match scores are to be posted by the host pro shop.
The next meeting was scheduled for Hunters Run on June 9th. Since the President may be out of town, he requested that we move it to the 16th. This is to be confirmed by Hunters Run.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone