June 10, 2014
South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Aberdeen Country Club
Pres. Jerry Rosenzweig called the meeting to order at 8:08 A.M. he thanked Aberdeen Country Club for hosting a sumptuous and delightful breakfast.
All clubs were in attendance with the exception of Woodfield. Country Club
Jerry welcomed past presidents in attendance Jerry Kaye, Ron Masterman and Art Saverick.
There are no guests present.
Minutes of May 13th were accepted.
Treasures report: No expenditures and the bank balance is $3,469.71.
Committee reports:
1. Rules: Jerry Rosenzweig announced that the committee will meet in October and he requested that any proposed new changes should be submitted by the September meeting.
2. Grievance: The grievance between Boca Lago in Boca Woods was resolved. It was the conclusion that all teams must allow the visiting team to bring 22 players. There is also a grievance between Boca Greens and Gleneagles. It was announced they will meet following the governors meeting and we will have a report next month.
3. Nominating committee. Jerry Rosensweig suggested that whoever is interested running for office please submit their names to him at their earliest convenience.
President’s report: Jerry reiterated that the essence of the league is not only competition but camaraderie as well. We should keep that in focus and in addition Jerry commented that the meeting started late because everybody was enjoying conversing with each other during breakfast.
Old business: None
New business: The pace of play is at times an issue. Jerry suggested that that the control of play is left to the rangers during that match.
Good welfare: Mike Lapkin suggested that we should revisit the idea of having of having breakfast be reinstituted. There were others who agreed and that this should be submitted the rules committee in October.
Art Saverick announced that Don Blumenthal passed after a long illness. All expressed condolences and we shall communicate it to his family.
Prior to adjournment the Aberdeen Pro Shop conducted a raffle of a Cleveland putter, which was won by Larry Gandro.
Meeting was adjourned at 8: 45
Next meeting will be held on July 8th at Gleneagles Country Club
Respectfully submitted
Michael Lapkin