July 8, 2014
South County League Board of Governors Meeting.
Gleneagles Country Club.
July 8, 2014.
Present Jerry's Rosenzweig called the meeting to order at 7:59 AM. He thanked Gleneagles
Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.
All clubs were in attendance with the exception of Woodfield and Hunters Run.
Jerry Rosenzweig welcomed past presidents, Paul Weiss, Ron Masterman, and Art Savarick.
Guests in attendance: Jay Levine of Aberdeen Country Club, and Al Berger was introduced as a
new Captain from Boca Lago.
Minutes were accepted
Treasures report: the bank balance remains at $3,469.71
Committee reports:
A. By laws and rules: Jerry reminded all that all requests for rule changes or new rules
should be submitted to him either in writing or by e-mail before the September meeting.
B. Expansion: It was reported that there are preliminary conversations with another club.
Due to the premature nature of the discussions the name of the club was not revealed.
C. Good and welfare: A letter of condolence was set to the family of Don Blumenthal.
D. Grievance: A grievance between Boca Greens and Glen Eagles was resolved. The
matter revolved about the inadvertent misplacing of the order of the teams. The two
matches involved were deleted with the result of the contest being a tie. Art Savarick
suggested that it is incumbent upon the home team to assure that the matches are
correctly placed prior to play.
E: Nominating: Jerry reported that anyone interested running for office for the coming
year to submit his name in writing to him.
F: There were no other committee reports.
Presidents report: Jerry Rosenzweig stated that the Governor’s tournament will be held this year
at Mizner Country Club on October 8. He also asked for a club to volunteer to host the finals.
There was no old business, new business, nor good and welfare.
A motion for adjournment was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 AM
The next meeting will be at Mizner Country Club on September 9.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Lapkin