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February 10, 2015



South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Woodfield Country Club

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

President Chuck Milber called the meeting to order at 8:05 A.M. He thanked Woodfield for hosting the meeting and for the wonderful breakfast provided.

Roll call: All clubs were in attendance. Each Governor was asked to introduce themselves, their co-governors (if applicable), and captains.

Chuck welcomed Past Presidents Jerry Rosenzwieg, Ron Masterman, and Paul Weiss.

There were no guests in attendance.

Minutes of December 9, 2014 were accepted.

Treasures report: Rich North: Previous balance was $2091.96. There was a disbursement of $379.11 for trophies and plaques. This leaves a current balance of $1,712.85. Yearly dues checks were collected with “two in the mail”.

Committee Reports:

Booklet: Jerry Rosenzweig: Information has been sent to the printer. The Books will be ready at the next meeting.

Expansion: No report

Good and Welfare: Michael Lapkin: A reminder to contact him with any issue (illness etc.) in order to inform the membership.

Grievance: No report.

Publicity; No report.

Nominating: No report.

Scheduling: No report.

Scoring: Jay Levine: An extensive presentation was made regarding the updating scoring and handicap system. His full outline is attached at the end of the minutes.

Website: Larry Stone: Since the inception of the updated site there have been over 700 “hits”. Larry informed the group that on the site there is now a linkage to

a tour of each course. He also reviewed site’s web address (

President Milbur thanked him for his efforts.

President’s Report: Chuck Milber welcomed all to our new year and stated that it will a fun year. He thanked all for his election as President and promised continue in the fine manner of his predecessors. He welcomed our newest member, Royal Palm Yacht andCountry Club who has partnered with Boca Pointe Country Club. Also, Boca Greens will not be participating this year. He further announced that the President’s Day outing will be held at The Old Course at Broken Sound on October 7, 2015.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Next meeting to held on March 10th at Wycliffe Country Club.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Lapkin



Attachment: Jay Levine’s presentation continues on the following pages;





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