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December 9, 2014                                                     



South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Broken Sound Country Club

December 9, 2014

President Rosenzweig call the meeting to order at 8:05 A. M. he thanked Broken Sound for

hosting this years final meeting and for the wonderful breakfast.

Roll Call: All members were in attendance with exception of The Polo Club and The Fountains.

Jerry welcomed past presidents Jerry Kaye and Ron Masterman.

Jerry Kaye then presented a plaque to Jerry Rosenzweig on behalf of the Board of Governors as our appreciation of the excellent and marvelous job he preformed as president of these past two years.

Guests: Morry Birnbaum was introduced as a new co-Governor at Boca CountryClub/Bocaire CC. Dan Gilbert as a new captain at Boca Woods and Jerry Rosenzweig will assume the duties as

Governor at Aberdeen.

The minutes of October 14, 2014 were accepted without additions or corrections.

Treasurer’s Report (Richard North): Previous balance was $2,091.96. There was an expenditure

of $379.11 for the Hole-in-One plaques. The balance now is $1,712.85. Richard requested that all

members bring the yearly dues check ($175) at our next meeting.

Committee Reports:

Booklet: Last chance to make changes are being made for next season.

The governors meeting schedule for 2015:

February: Woodfield

March: Wycliffe

April: The Fountains

May: Boca Lago

June: Boca Woods

July: Hunter’s Run

September: Indian Spring

October: Boca West

December: Delaire

Expansion: Conversation with another interested club are ongoing.

Good and Welfare: No report.

Grievance: No report.

Publicity; No report.

Nominating: To be presented in new business

Scheduling: The new schedule will be e-mailed.

Scoring: No report.

Website: Art Hoffman(Indian Springs) introduce Larry Stone(Broken Sound) as our new Webmaster and Art will continue to assist. Larry presented an overview of the the revised site and the addition of the ability to access the site from a mobile device. He will send an email with detailed instructions. the website address is:

President’s Report: Jerry expressed his gratitude to all members for their support during his tenure. He enjoyed his time as president and was very appreciative of the

acknowledgement from the group. he also announce that three clubs will be regrassing this summer. they are Stonebridge, Delaire, and Boca Pointe.These clubs will be required to make arrangements to play games schedule for their home course either at an alternate site or play at the visiting team’s home course, if acceptable to the visiting team.

The Hole-in-One plaques were presented to: Phil Glantz of Stonebridge who had is ace at Broken Sound.

Gil Goldberg of Broken Sound who scored at Hunter’s Run. Joel Fein at Boca Woods

Jerry reviewed the rule changes passed at the October meeting:

If the home team does not have 22 active participants, the visiting team shall be able to bring the difference as alternates.

In any match, clubs should meet the amount of competition players of the opposing team before entering alternates.

Eliminate neutral sites for playoffs.  The higher placed team shall have home course advantage except for the championship match.

In order to be qualified for play in any post season match, a player must have been scheduled to play at least 4 times in league play during the regular season.

Elimination the 80% rule.

Any match that cannot be completed because of adverse weather conditions and where  no team has completed a minimum of 13 holes or completed a match prior to 13 holes should be determined a rainout.

The rain refund policy should be: up to 4 holes of play: $10 charge, up to 9 holes of play:  $20 charge, over 9 holes of play: full charge

Breakfast should be restored on a limited basis of bagels and coffee

Serve breakfast with a cost of $45.00 per man.

Talking or texting on a cell phone may be used during league play only for emergencies.

Return to one single league without divisions.

Each cart in competition shall contain one member form each team.    

Old Business:  1. The By-Law Change tabled from last meeting:

Article III (Add Section 4) All member clubs must be a Private Country Club with a minimum of one golf course.The golf course must be playable up to the standards of the league. All member clubs should have

dining facilities to accommodate all required meals and events of the league . PASSED

Boca Greens announced that they will resign their membership as they pursue an affiliation with another club. It was agreed by the Board that Boca Greens will be readmitted when they finalize their status in

accordance with Article III, Section 4.

2. The Rule Change tabled from the last meeting.

Before starting a match in a handicap competition, the players should determine from one another their respective handicaps. If a player begins a match having declared a handicap higher than that to which he is entitled and this affects the number of strokes given or received, he is disqualified; otherwise, the player must play off the declared handicap.


New Business:

Election of Officers: Results as follows

President: Chuck Milber

Vice President: Michael Lapkin

Treasurer: Richard North

Secretary: Michael Lapkin

Good and Welfare: Presentation of the Championship trophy was presented to Broken Sound. Paul Budin (Governor Emeritus) accepted on behalf of the team.

Chuck Milber presented another plaque to Jerry on behalf of all of us in recognition of his tenure as president.



Meeting was a adjourned at 9:15 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Lapkin


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