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South County League Board of Governors Meeting


Zoom Meeting


December 8, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 8:02 am by Pres. Jay Levine. He greeted the governors and guests and expressed his hope that everyone is staying safe.

Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except and Stonebridge.           .

Past presidents in attendance were Mike Lapkin, Chuck Milber, and Jerry Kaye.


Treasurer’s report: Richard North reported that we have approximately $3,800 in the treasury including dues for 2020. Boca Lago has not yet paid their dues and

Wycliffe’s was refunded.


Jay reported that Rich North would not be continuing as treasurer. He thanked Rich for his service and asked that anyone interested in becoming the treasurer contact him.


Jay asked that each club report on its current status as it relates to Covid-19. With few exceptions they reported that their golf courses are open with single carts, no guests, no shotguns, and limited eating options.


Jay said that it is clear that we will not be having a league until the vaccination program reaches critical mass. He asked that we all check with our clubs to find out what the latest date would be to be able to schedule time for the League.


Bernie Bloomfield said that he thinks that it is important for the continuity of the league that we have some play in 2021 even if it is limited.


New Business:

Larry Stone made a motion that since 2020 was a wipe out, elections should be postponed until the end of the 2021 season. The motion was seconded and passed.


Jay wished everyone a happy holiday and adjourned the meeting at 8:42 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Larry Stone  

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