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South County League Board of Governors Meeting.

Boca Pointe Country Club


February 9, 2016


President Chuck Milber called the meeting to order at 8:10 AM. He thanked Boca Pointe Country Club for hosting our inaugural  breakfast for the 2016 season.


Roll Call:  All clubs were in attendance


Chuck welcomed past president Jerry Rosenzweig


Michael Ringler was  introduced the new Governor from Aberdeen -and  Bernie Bloomfield as a new Captain.  All wished them congratulations.


Minutes of last meeting were approved.


Treasurer Report: 7/1/2015 OpeningBank Balance was $1972.08


       9/8/2015 Disbursement - Refund one player President’s Day $45

    Deposit Dues (Gleneagles and Boca West) $350

Closing Balance   $2322.08


Committee reports:


By-Laws and Rules: No report


Booklet:  Jerry reported the Booklet is on schedule and will be distributed in March.


Scoring and Handicap: Chuck reporting for Jay Levine stated that new index sheet will be sent by mid February and new rosters and any change in handicap index greater than +/- 3 and mew players (with 20 scores) should be submitted by April 7th.


Website: Will be current by weeks end


President's Report: Hunters Run will host the 2016 championship match. A second team is required from the same division to act as backup.


Old business:  None


New Business: The long putter may be used but can not be anchored.


Good and Welfare: Mitch Heller (MIzner) announced that the course will be undergoing reservations. He will arrange with the other clubs in his division to play all their home games at their opponents course.


A motion for adjournment was made and seconded.


The next meeting will be at BROKEN SOUND COUNTRY CLUB on MARCH 8TH


The meeting was adjourned at 8:18AM


Respectfully submitted,


Michael Lapkin



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