South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Aberdeen Country Club
Tuesday June 14th 2016
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Pres. Chuck Milber. He thanked the members of Aberdeen for hosting a wonderful breakfast and warmly welcomed all the Governors.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present. with the exception of Woodfield Country Club
Past president in attendance was Paul Weiss.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures as noted below.
Opening Balance: $3,601.16
Deposit Returned check and fee $187
Expense: New Trophy (344.50)
New Balance $3,444.16
Committee Reports:
By- Laws and Rules: All proposed rule changes to Jerry and he will e-mail them to all Governors and Captains.
Scoring & Handicap: Jay Levine. Due to various concerns on the part of many participants in the league such as distance and the frequent change of handicaps for those near the 18.0 index, possibly creating a problem encouraging players to participate. A subcommittee of Jay, Mike Lapkin, and Chuck Milber met and have suggested changes for consideration. A list of the yardage, index and slope is attached as well as a proposed 3 Tee Option. A discussion ensued and will be revisited at a later meeting.
There was further discussion regarding changing the handicap determination from 4 of 8 to perhaps 5 of 10 or 6 of 12.
President's report: Election of officers for the 2017 season will be held at the October meeting. Please submit your nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary to bcmilber@gmail.com by August 31. The nominating committee will announce the candidates at the September meeting.
All proposed rule changes should be submitted to Jerry Rosenzweig by September 13th. He will collate them and then mail them to us. These proposals will be voted upon at the October meeting.
Presidents Day will be hosted by Wycliffe Country Club on September 28th. Please bring Two dozen golf balls and a check made to Wycliffe Country Club of $45 for each participant. The Championship matched will be held at Hunters Run
We are in need for volunteers fto host the Governors breakfasts in February, march, June, September, October, and December
Member Clubs available are Hunters Run, Indian Spring, Boca West, Delaire, Woodfield, Wycliffe, Fountains, Boca Lago, and Boca Woods.
Good and Welfare: A speedy recovery was extended to Jerry Rosenzweig.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 AM.
Next meeting is on September 13th at Mizner country club
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Lapkin