Minutes for Governors' Meeting on April 9, 2024 at Aberdeen
Meeting called to order at 7:50
Larry Stone thanked Aberdeen for a beautiful breakfast spread.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Two past presidents were in attendance; Jay Levine and Mike Lapkin.
Since Sandy Cohn was being operated on today, Larry Stone gave the Treasurers Report. We have $2620.69 in the account.
Polo requested since their clubhouse is closed this summer to not offer breakfast and only charge $50 for those weeks.
Larry mentioned that we would be tracking standings on a scoring average basis this year versus the total points in the past.
Three clubs will not be doing interclub billing; Polo, Boca West and Indian Springs.
Jay Levine did a presentation on Golf Genius and the many ways to utilize it.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:22am.
Respectfully submitted,