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April 14, 2015


Minutes South County League Board of Governors

April 14, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Milber at 8:02 AM at The Fountains Country Club. Present Milber thanked The Fountains and their staff for providing us with a wonderful breakfast and for being a gracious host.

Roll call was was taken and or clubs were present. 

Past president in attendance was Jerry Rosenzweig and Art Saverick. 

Guest in attendance was Gary Schwartz who was introduced as a new captain at Boca Woods. 

The minutes of the last meeting was accepted and seconded. 

The Treasures Report: 

Starting balance of $3,654.08

Disbursement to Jay Levine for $197 for handicap software update.

Current balance= $3457.08 

Committee reports: 

By-Laws and Rules and Booklet committee: Jerry Rosenzweig 

Jerry stated that the books were distributed last meeting and he does have extra books available for anybody who may require them.

Scoring and handicap committee: Jay Levine.

Jay handed out the rosters to each club. He asked each Governor(s) to review the new handicaps. He asked that all final rosters, after any corrections, be submitted by April 22 so he will have sufficient time to be ready for the first match on the 29th. Jay also indicated that he will be at home during the first match so if any pro may call him if they have a question(s). Finally, he noted that some indexes are different than they were last year. This was because the updated software allowed him to eliminate many of the duplicates that were entered prior to this season. He also informed us that because of the new software some front tee players have dropped  below the 18 handicap threshold which has created a minor problem in that some front tee players will be now be moved to the back tee.

Presidents report: Chuck Milber

Chuck said he was very excited to get this this year underway. He also reminded everyone that they should consider finishing all 18 holes.  He reminded everybody that we are here to to play golf and it would also allow for a greater camaraderie and spirit if all participants would eat lunch at the same time.

He further stressed that if a match is over before 18 holes that everybody use the equitable scoring rules for the balance of the unfinished hoes.

Below is the Equitable Scoring rules:

Adjusting Hole Scores for Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)â„¢

Q.  What is the current method for adjusting my hole scores under Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)?

A.  ESC is an adjustment of individual hole scores (for handicap purposes) in order to make handicaps more representative of a player's potential ability. ESC is applied after the round and is only used when the actual score or the most likely score exceeds a player’s maximum number. ESC sets a limit to the number of strokes a player can take on a hole depending on Course Handicapâ„¢. Apply ESC to all scores, including tournament scores. Below is the maximum number a player can take:

Course Handicap Maximum Number

9 or less Double Bogey

10-19 7

20-29 8

30-39 9

He wished every one good luck for the upcoming matches.

Old business:

Max Baran of Delaire Country Club reported that their renovation project is being postponed and that we should revert to the regular schedule that is printed in the South County League handbook and on the Website.

New business:

Len Kerker of Boca Woods Country Club made a motion to move the front tee index down to 17. President Milber stated that we cannot discuss this now because it is a rule change and that cannot discussed until the season is over. Len graciously agreed and this will be revisited after the season is completed.

Good and welfare: no report

Our next meeting will be held on May 12 at Boca Lago Country Club.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Adjourned at 8:17 A.M.

Respectfully submitted

Michael Lapkin



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