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April 8, 2014



South County Board of Governors Meeting

Stonebridge Country Club

April 8, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Jerry Rosenzweig at 8:05 am . 

Jerry opened the meeting by thanking Stonebridge for the outstanding breakfast.

Roll call found all clubs with the exception of Broken Sound in attendance

Jerry recognized the past presidents, Ron Masterman, Art Saverick and Jerry Kaye who are in attendance

Bocaire announced a new captain: Stu Rubin

Last Month's Minutes were accepted

Treasurer's Report - Balance of $3,769.71 in our account

Committee Reports

There was nothing new to report from our committees

President Rosenzweig asked that people should start considering if they would like to run for office at the end of the year

Old Business - None

New Business

Correct email addresses

Howard Rosenbaum -

Max Baron -

Howard needs lists of 30 scores and indexes only 8 of 30 so far

New Secretary - Michael Lapkin of Broken Sound

President highlighted the four rule changes for this year

Next meeting at Delaire CC Tues May 13th

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