South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Via Zoom
October 19, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.
Past president in attendance was Chuck Milber.
President Levine wanted to do a wellness check of the clubs. Wycliffe and Aberdeen said that they were fully opened to guests.
The president reported that Boca Country Club / Resort was out of the league due to their golf course being donated to the City of Boca by the Resort. Woodfield has also left the league apparently because they did not have enough interest.
A discussion ensued as to how to promote the league. Bernie Bloomfield suggested having a party like the one we had at Broken Sound a few years ago. A comment was made that promoting needs to be done at the club level by recruiting players and creating enthusiasm. Jay Levine said that he would take it upon himself to create a flyer to send to each club promoting the league.
The next topic of discussion was about reevaluating the distances for the tees for competition. Some clubs said that they were aging and it was harder for their players to play from so far back. Other clubs said they were getting younger. A work group composed of Wycliffe, Aberdeen, Indian Spring, Gleneagles, and Mizner was formed to study the issue.
With the league now at 15 clubs, as it stands, the Palmer Division would only have seven teams and would need to have two byes per team. Bob Bailey suggested that it has been so long since we actually competed that we reshuffle the divisions so that people might get to play at clubs that they have been to in quite a while. A random lottery was suggested. This issue will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Elliot Friedberg mentioned that they thought that the scoring was complicated. No discussion ensued.
Jay again mentioned that a new treasurer was needed.
President Levine said that a new procedure will be forthcoming to create the weekly score sheets. To relieve Jay from having to create 15 score sheets each week, everyone will create their own. Larry Stone said that he will circulate a procedure outline with a YouTube tutorial as we get closer to the season.
The next meeting will be on November 9. It will be an in person meeting with coffee only. The location is to be determined.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone