South County League Board of Governors Meeting
At Boca West Country Club
October 10, 2017
President Mike Lapkin called the meeting to order at 8:02 AM. He thanked Boca West for the terrific breakfast.
Roll call was taken and all clubs were in attendance.
Chuck Milber was the only past president at the meeting.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report:
Opening Balance: $2,419.64
New Balance: $2,419.64
President’s Report:
The president congratulated Gleneagles for becoming the 2017 champions and Hunters Run for a terrific season and being a strong competitor in the championship match. He also wished a speedy recovery to Manny Newman who injured his leg.
The trophy was presented to Gleneagles.
Old Business:
Discussion of tabled rule presented by Art Hoffman
Players with indexes below 13 at the beginning of the season must play from regular (back) tees during the entire season. Players with indexes from 13-16.9 at the beginning of the season may declare what tees they will play from during the entire season. Players with indexes of 17 and above shall play from forward tees, unless the governor places such a player on his back tee roster out of necessity.
This proposal was defeated.
The topic of the booklet was discussed. We will get a price for 150 to 200 booklets and discuss it at the next meeting.
New Business:
Jay Levine made a Power Point presentation proposing moving to one division and moving to a Nassau type scoring.
One division was defeated, but Nassau scoring passed. A individual match will consist of three points, one for the front nine, one for the back nine, and one for the overall match. For the team score there are three points possible, front, back, and overall. All of the front nine points are added up, all of the back nine points are added up, and all of the match points are added up. The team with the highest total in each segment gets a point. A tie would be a half point for that segment. The front and back is determined by the score card without regard to where you started play.
The next meeting will be December 12th, 2017 at Delaire Country Club
The meeting was adjourned at8:50 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone