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South County League Board of Governors Meeting


The Fountains Country Club


June 14, 2022


The meeting was called to order at 7:55 am by Pres. Jay Levine. Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except Boca Pointe and Boca Woods.      


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


Two Rules clarifications were presented to the board and the were approved without objection. The clarifications were as follows with the added wording in red:

  1. “In any given match, any rule relative to playing that match may be waived by mutual agreement of the opposing governors or a captain in the absence of a governor. This does not apply to rules that affect the entire league i.e. rescheduling a rainout.


  1. “Regular season matches may be rescheduled only due to maintenance or scheduling conflicts with consent of both governors, and it must be done at least one month prior to the original date except if the rescheduling is from one team’s venue to the other team’s on the same date, it can be done at any time with the agreement of both governors and availability. However, If the match is not played due to inclement weather, it will be considered a tie, or if the match is not played for any other reason, it will be considered a forfeit on the part of the offending club. If a match is scheduled to be played on a golf course which is known to be unavailable by 5 PM on Monday for any reason, the match will be played on the opponents course if available.  If not, the result will be a forfeit for the offending club.”


An issue was brought up relative to rescheduling due to Covid. It was agreed that this is a safety issue and should not be restricted by current rules. It was agreed that the rules chairman would circulate appropriate wording for this issue for approval.


Jay said that an issue has arisen about the use of the local rule that lets a player take a two shot penalty in lieu of , but not in addition to, hitting a provisional ball for out of bounds or a lost ball. He reminded the board that this rule has been adopted by the league and is to be used in all league matches.


Larry Bloch from Hunters Run discussed the status of their involvement in the league going forward. He will be meeting with the COO on June 30, but his Director of Golf is opposed to them hosting more than 2 or 3 matches a season.


Next, Jay expressed his frustration with the fact that clubs are not reporting the results of their matches in a timely fashion. He said that it is the host governor’s responsibility.


We are looking for a new playoff finals venue on September 21. Boca Lago can not host it.


Mike Ringler express frustration that some clubs are not complying with the new Thursday to Saturday schedule. It was suggested that a penalty be invoked for non compliance. This will be considered in the future.


Jay made a point that Golf Genius could provide a lot of help to the league, and he would be willing to give any pro staff instruction on how to best use it.


Elliott Frieberg asked for clarification of the 5 index spread between partners rule. It was explained that if there was no one within 5 index points of an A player, you can use the next in line without penalty.


There was a discussion about a host player describing the course to his opponent. The answer is that it is the right thing to do, but you need to be careful relative to the rules of golf. You can say that there is water out about 200 yards, but you can’t say I would hit a fairway wood here. That violates the rule about giving advice.


Bert Wellman expressed concern about the handicap system, but after some discussion it seems that his club may be stroking the cards as if it were medal play and not for match play. This would result in players getting strokes on the easiest holes instead of the hardest.


Mike Ringler introduce Mike Lonker as a new captain at Aberdeen, and Larry Bloch introduced Barry Levy as a new co governor at Hunters Run.


Good and Wellfare: Louis Saffian sadly announced that Paul Franklin, one of his captains, recently passed away.


Our next meeting won’t be until October 11. At that meeting, we will discuss any rule change suggestions. If you have any, please send them to Larry Stone before that meeting.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Stone  


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