South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Via Zoom
February 8, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 am by Pres. Jay Levine.
The Roll call was taken, and all the clubs were present except Boca Pointe and Boca Woods.
Past president in attendance was Chuck Milber.
Jay told the governors that Boca Lago would not be able to host any home matches, and Hunters Run could only host two.
Sandy Cohn speaking for Boca Lago said that they would be doing significant work on their course, and that he understood that they would have to take a pass this year.
Larry Bloch speaking for Hunters Run said that they have more golfers than ever before, and one course would be closed, so this is what he has been told by management.
Manny Newman asked if this was a permanent situation. Larry Bloch answered that he didn’t know and was not getting good answers.
Elliott Freiberg suggested that we should play the season with 12 teams.
Bob Guarino said that Wycliffe was redoing their west course and was closing the east course for three weeks for maintenance.
Jay suggested that August could be used as a scheduling buffer.
Jeff Hamburger said that he agrees with Elliott about 12 teams.
Jay said that clubs that can’t host put too much strain on other clubs which could be detrimental to the league going forward. He suggested that we should have two 6 team divisions playing home and home matches followed by 4 weeks of inter division play.
The two divisions will be:
Nicklaus Division: Boca Pointe, Boca Woods, Broken Sound, Delaire, Gleneagles, and Polo.
Palmer Division: Aberdeen, Boca West, Fountains, Indian Spring, Stonebridge, and Wycliffe.
A motion was made and passed to go to 12 clubs for this year.
Jay will revise the schedule and get it back to us soon.
Bernie Bloomfield asked what can we do to get teams back in the league.
A discussion ensued about how to best promote the league. The suggestions were: Get team members on you club’s board; work on you directors of Golf; have pro vs pro matches as part of our competition; and get more players on your roster to reduce conflict.
Larry Stone asked if anyone was limiting their roster size, because he felt that too large a roster leads to frustration among team members. He has 60 in his roster and will not take any more players. Manny Newman mentioned that the number of people that we play each week are limited by the opponents numbers. Apparently, there is a wide range of roster sizes. Manny said he felt the ideal number would be 45.
The next topic was the front/back threshhold. After some discussion, it was decided to set it at 15.9.
Jay wanted everyone to be reminded of the new yardage limits. The are as follows: between 5,800 yards and 6,100 yards for matches played from the back tees and between 5,300 yards and 5,500 yards for matches played from the forward tees.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone