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South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Boca Lago Country Club


March 14, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 8:00AM by Pres. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Boca Lago for hosting a wonderful breakfast.


Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.


Past presidents in attendance were Jerry Rosenzweig, Chuck Milber, and Jerry Kaye. No guests were present.


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


President Lapkin and Past Presidents Kaye, Rosenzweig and Milber presented Howard Rosenbaum a plaque honoring him for his many years of service to the league.


President Lapkin congratulated Rich North for his election as President of the Board at Gleneagles and Dan Kolber for his election to the Board.


There was a discussion on how to resolve the conflict between the playoffs and the Jewish holiday. Four options were presented:

    1.     Keep the date as scheduled (September 20th)

    2.     Change the date to the following week (September 27th)

    3.     Try to play the match either Mon. the 18th or Tues. the 19th.

    4.     Move the dates for the play offs back as follows:

                  a.     First round: August 30th

                  b.     Semis: September 6th

                  c.     Championship: September 13th

                  d.     President’s Day Tournament: September 27th.

Option #4 was chosen.


Treasurer report:

Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:

Balance $2,008.46

2/14/2017 Check #116 - Booklets (1,038.17)

2/21/2017 2017 Club Dues (12 clubs) 2,100.00 2/24/2107

Returned check (187.00)

3/14/2017 New Balance $2,883.29

2017 Club Dues (5 clubs) 875.00

Projected balance $3,758.29


Committee Reports:


Scoring and Handicap:

Jay said that he will have the spreadsheets to update handicaps and add new members to the governors soon, and would like them returned by April 5.



Larry said that there will be a new feature sometime in April which will allow access to all teams rosters and indices on a real time basis.


Next meeting will be on June 13 at Boca Woods.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 AM., and the 2017 booklets were distributed.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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