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South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Woodfield Country Club

March 12, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 7:59 AM by Pres. Jay Levine. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Woodfield Country Club for hosting a lovely breakfast.


Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.


Past presidents in attendance were Mike Lapkin, Chuck Milber, & Paul Weiss.


Guest: Marty Matsoff, a new captain for Boca Pointe.


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:

                        Opening Balance: $3,307.02

                        Check #127:  $155.02 for booklets

                        Check #128:  $192.85 for website registration

                        Dues collected: $600

                        New Balance: $3,559.15

The treasurer stated that he received 7 more dues checks today and is still waiting for checks from Boca Woods, Delaire, & the Fountains. He also said that we should be able to keep dues at the $100 level for the next couple of  years.



Pres. Levine said that he will be sending an email to all pros with specific instructions on how to create an automated GHIN handicap report.

He will also send to all governors a handicap revision date list according to when handicaps change relative to the date of matches.

Booklets will be distributed at this meeting, and if anyone would like to add someone to the president’s email list, let Jay know.



Pres. Levine made the following proposal: Since the front tee definition that was voted on at the last meeting was confusing, and that next year there will be a major overhaul of the handicap system worldwide, we rescind the previously voted on the measure and change the cut off point for front tee play to the median index of the league on April 1. He also said that he would like to appoint a committee in June to review the pending handicap changes and make recommendations to the league.

The rules committee chairman asked for clarification that rescinding the above mentioned proposal also rescinds the elimination of the 80% rule for front tee matches which was included in the proposal. It was verified that the 80% is restored.



Bernie Bloomfield asked whether the league would be adopting the suggested new local rule relative to out of bounds and lost balls. The league will adopt that option for all matches. Bernie also clarified that the new rule of making a drop from knee high is a bad drop if dropped from any other height. Jay also clarified the rule about standing behind your partner.


Next meeting will be on June 11 at Aberdeen.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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