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South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Boca Woods Country Club

June 13, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 8:00  AM by Pres. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Boca Woods Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.

Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except for Indian Spring Country Club.

Past presidents in attendance were Jerry Rosenzweig, Jerry Kaye, and Chuck Milber

Guests:  Charlie Locks, the head of the MGA at Boca Woods.

The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.



  1. We have convened four committees to discuss the needs of the league.


  1. An ad hoc committee met early May to explore many avenues to make the playing experience enjoyable and rewarding. At the end of this document is the outline/summary for your perusal and will be presented by Jay Levine. We encourage your input at the meeting. (See last few pages)


  1. A group consisting of Larry Stone, Tony Codner and Jay Wiston and Art Hoffman (unable to attend) met to discuss the Pace of Play. Below is the summary and conclusions:

There has been a long-standing concern regarding pace of play during our matches. Some of the matches take as long as five hours which results in the entire course backing up which also includes club players that are added to the course when room allows.

The group concluded play should be monitored by the ranger with guidance from the professional staff  in order to enforce their pace of play parameters. A foursome that is significantly behind in time should be warned and if the problem persists they should be moved up a hole that the hole not played should be halved without regard as to the effect on the match. Returning to play the hole will cease to be an option as this just contributes to further delay.

Governors, please discuss this with your professional staff and together please develop a standard that falls into the suggested guidelines. We believe a match should not exceed four and one half hours.

Our goal is to hopefully have everyone finish within a reasonable window when all can enjoy lunch as a team. I would also like to encourage playing the full round and not stop early. As a reminder, the visiting players who wish to play the entire course should be accommodated by their hosts


  1. The rules committee has been expanded to five members. Jerry Rosenzweig, Chair, Larry Stone, Vice Chair, Andy Solomon, Art Hoffman, and Bert Wellman. My non-binding suggestions to the group are as follows:

To review all the rules to consider their relevance and clarity. 
To delineate any rule that has become nebulous in its intent so we can mitigate any conflict that may ensue. 
To develop and consider a standard when presenting new rules including collating similar rules to reduce redundancy, and specifically allowing presentation of the proposed rule by the author.


The group has arranged a meeting June 22 and will explore whatever issues that they feel pertinent and deliver their recommendations to myself and the other officers.


  1. I believe now is time to form a STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE to discuss and explore the many challenges we face for the future. As an example, it has been mentioned to me that the rosters are decreasing with available players. However, there are many other avenues to study. I have asked Len Kerker to facilitate the group and he will be contacting the governors he has chosen shortly.


  1. I wish to remind everyone that we should make every effort to accommodate as many players as possible each week. Let us also try to limit last minute changes. I realize back issues and illness will occur but it would be helpful if a team will have enough players on hand to fill in any gaps. That is preferable to having a team drop players before the Tuesday deadline.


  1. Frequently there are questions regarding the rules during play. I would ask you to remind each player that any discrepancy should be adjudicated at the time of the incident. The host Pro should be contacted immediately. At times the misinterpretation of the rules of golf has led to altercations and angry players. This in turn makes the individual match contentious which should be the last thing that we would want. Please remember that the rules of golf are on the website.



  1. Please remind your pro staff to retain all score cards for at least a week in case a grievance is filed. However, the rules state (9.j) that the host club is” required to keep individual score cards until the season is over…”.



Jay Levine presented a concept where players in the index range of 15 to 16.9 could play from the front tee if the governors agreed, and all four players were in that range. There was much discussion, but it was left as an option that governors could considered, but it would not be counted as a front tee match to satisfy the minimum requirement. 


Treasurer report:

                        Opening Balance: $2,882.79

                        Deposit: dues 5 clubs $875.00

                        Check: #117 for a plaque $48.15

                        New Balance: $3,709.64


Mike Lapkin announced that Hunters Run will host the finals, and Mizner will host President’s Day. He also said that we may need an extra meeting in November.


Committee Reports:


Scoring and Handicap........Jay Levine, Aberdeen

Jay praised teams for getting info. to him in a timely fashion. He will be out of town on June 27 and July 5, so he will get the sheets out late.


Website................................Larry Stone, Broken Sound

Larry thanked the governors that shared the website information with their membership and reported that there were 221 unique visits to the website in the last 30 days.


The next meeting will be on September 12 at the Fountains.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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