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South County League Board of Governors Meeting


Stonebridge Country Club


June 12, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by President. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Stonebridge for hosting a wonderful breakfast.


Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.


Past presidents in attendance were Jerry Kaye and Chuck Milber.


Guests:  Two future governors of Polo, Marc Manin and Gary Heldman, were introduced by Jay Wiston.


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:

                        Opening Balance: $5,066.07

                        Checks: $94.00 for website domain. $100 for hole-in-one.

                        New Balance: $4,872.07



President Lapkin made mention of the clarification of the rules sent out by the Rules Committee. He also revisited the topics of pace of play and the participation of golf professionals in our matches. A request was made for a club to volunteer to host the championship match.   


The president also reminded the members of date changes for meetings to September 13 and December 11 (the booklet has the 12th). He also praised George Kutin for being able to make reciprocal arrangements when Boca Pointe unexpectedly decide to work on their greens.


The membership was reminded to submit any suggested rule changes to the Rules Committee. The discussion will begin at the September meeting.


The passing of Benson Zion, our long time secretary, was remembered .


President’s Day will be held on October 3 at Aberdeen. One pro from each club will be invited.


There was no old or new business.


Committee Reports:

Rules committee –Larry Stone asked the members to identify any rules that need to be clarified as well as suggesting new rules.


Scoring & Handicap – Jay Levine said that he thought that using the club indexes was working well. He stressed the importance of players posting their scores, and mentioned that it may be necessary for him to lower the indexes of a couple of players. The governors involved will be notified.


Jay also mentioned that the USGA rule changes for 2019 will be significant, and that the USGA will be having seminars. Larry Stone mentioned that he will place a link on the league website to the USGA summary of the expected changes.


Next meeting will be on Thursday, September 13 at Wycliffe.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:21  AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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