South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Indian Spring Country Club
February 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:57 AM by President Jay Levine. He presented past President, Michael Lapkin, a plaque to thank him for his service to the league.
Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except for Boca Pointe Country Club.
Past presidents in attendance were Mike Lapkin, Paul Weiss, and Chuck Milber.
Aberdeen introduced a new captain, Sam Crook.
The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.
Treasurer report: Richard North reported on our income and expenditures:
Opening Balance: $3387.27
Check # 126 $80.25 (Plaque)
New Balance: $3,307.02
The Treasurer reminded everyone to get their $100 checks to him by the next meeting at the latest.
We still need a club to host for the December meeting. Chuck Milber said that he would check with Hunters Run.
Jay also reminded everyone that pros are still invited to play in matches.
Old Business:
The subcommittee of Jay Levine, Bob Bailey, and Alan Rubinstein studying the threshold for front tee players made the following report:
Recognizing the range of indexes that teams have and understanding that a goal of the league is to have as many people play as possible, the committee is recommending that there not be a delineation.
Our league rules require that we have a minimum of 8 matches for the first half of the year and 6 for the second. The league rules also require that the lowest index must be used in order as matches are created. If, in order to have 4 or 3 matches from the forward tee, the governor needs to use a person with a handicap index lower than 17, they may. Sequence of players, must be maintained. For example, there cannot be a back-tee player at 16.7 and a forward tee player at 16.1.
In addition to this change, it is recommended that for forward tee players, the 80% adjustment for more than 8 shot difference NOT be applied to forward tee matches as allowing lower index players from the front tees could cause the opponents to be more that 8 shots.
It was pointed out from the floor that the 80% rule applies when it is more than 6 shots and not 8.
The recommendation was put in the form of a motion and was seconded. The motion passed with 8 votes.
New Business:
It was suggested that we allow partners to ride together and allow better players to play from further back tees if the governors agree. It was decided that this is already covered by the rule that governors can agree to anything.
There was discussion as to whether we should limit the number of captains that could attend meetings to mitigate the cost of the breakfast. It was decided to leave things as is for now.
Since many clubs have so many players that it is difficult to qualify them for the playoffs under the current rules. Boca Woods suggested that we count playing as an alternative toward the three times required. After, some discussion and a vote, it was passed that playing as an alternate in an away match but not a home match would count.
Committee Reports:
Larry Stone described a new feature that allows teams to view their own teams schedule, and he offered to create a shortcut to the website for anyone who would like one on their phone.
Alan Rubinstein said that they were looking at the following clubs for potential expansion in the future: Addison Reserve, St. Andrews, Bocaire, Boca Grove, Seagate, Parkland, and the Wanderer’s Club.
Next meeting will be on March 12 at Woodfield Country Club.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone