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South County League Board of Governors Meeting


Hunters Run Country Club


February 15, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 8:02AM by Pres. Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Hunters Run for hosting a wonderful breakfast.

Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present. New governors and captains were introduced.


Past presidents in attendance were Jerry Kaye and Chuck Milber.


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


Treasurer report: Richard North reported an opening & closing Balance of $2,419.64. He anticipates collecting $2,800 in dues.


Mary Watkins, the COO of Hunters Run, briefly joined our meeting to extend her welcome and to express her commitment to the South County League.


President’s Report:     

The President announced an ad hoc marketing committee with Alan Rubinstein, Bob Baily, & Jay Levine.   Alan made some introductory remarks as well as some avenues explored by the group. The committee will continue to meet during the next few weeks.


President’s Day will be on October 3 at Aberdeen.  One pro and the golf chairman from each club may be invited.


The idea of pro participation in matches was further discussed. Participation will be optional. Preliminary communications with many but not all of the pros have been positive.


Manny Newman headed a committee to consider a reward system for improved play. He suggested that it should be by team and not individual and a trophy rather than a cash reward seemed to be preferable. He and his committee will pursue the matter and report at the next meeting.


The championship match will be held on September 26. We still need a club to volunteer to host the match.


President Lapkin said that the general manager of Broken Sound has suggested hosting a reception for all members of the league. It will consist of an open bar and dinner. The cost will be $30 per participant.


President Lapkin also asked that anyone interested in running for office contact him in his capacity as nominating committee chairman by the end of October. The election will take place at the December meeting.


The September meeting has been moved from the 11th to the 13th due to the Jewish holidays.

Committee Reports:

Scoring and Handicap: Jay Levine reviewed the scoring process for this year and requested that all governors submit their rosters to him by April 1st.


A limited amount of booklets were handed out to all clubs. A PDF document will be available if any club desires more copies.


The next meeting will be on March 13 at Boca Lago Country Club.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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