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South County League Board of Governors Meeting

Broken Sound Country Club


December 3, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 8:02 AM by President Michael Lapkin. He greeted the governors and guests and thanked Broken Sound Country Club for hosting a wonderful breakfast.


Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present.


Past presidents in attendance were Paul Weiss, Jerry Kaye, and Chuck Milber.


Guest:  New captain from Mizner, Jerry Bergstein


The minutes of last meeting were accepted without any additions or corrections.


Treasurer report: Richard North reported that we had $3,387.27 on hand at the end of the year, and as a result, the yearly dues will be reduced to $100 which will be due at the February meeting.



President Lapkin reported that the nominating committee had met by phone and decided that the vote for president would be open to the floor. Both candidates, Jay Levine and Len Kerker, gave a speech supporting their candidacy. The two candidates left the room, a vote was taken, and Jay Levine is the new president. The following people were elected without opposition: Vice president - Alan Rubinstein, treasurer - Rich North, and secretary - Larry Stone


Mike Lapkin made farewell remarks as outgoing president. He thanked retiring governors, Jay Wiston, & Seymour Horowitz of Polo and Ed Pachtman and Bruce Brauner of Wycliffe for their years of service to the league. He thanked several general managers of various clubs including Rob Martin, COO of Wycliffe for their support of the league and specifically mentioned John Crean, the general manager of Broken Sound for his exceptional level of support. He thanked Rich North for his role as treasurer and gave special thanks to Jay Levine and Larry Stone for the work they did to make his job easier.


The President asked for clubs to volunteer to host the Governors’ meetings for 2019. Aberdeen volunteered for June, Boca Pointe for September, and Boca Woods for October. We still need hosts for February, March, and December. We also need a host for the Presidents’ Day and for a neutral site for the finals.     


Old Business:

A discussion of how to best determine front tee qualification was tabled until the February meeting. An ad hoc committee, appointed by President Levine, will study the issue.


Jay Levine gave an overview of the USGA rule changes for 2019. He will send a summary to all governors.


Committee Reports:

Booklet: Jay Levine stated that information for the booklet must be in by the end of January.


Website: Larry Stone mentioned that there is a link on the website homepage to USGA videos explaining the new rules.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Larry Stone


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