South County League Board of Governors Meeting
Gleneagles Country Club
November 9, 2021
After a wonderful breakfast spread by Gleneagles, the meeting was called to order at 8:15 am by Pres. Jay Levine. Roll call was taken and all the clubs were present except Delaire.
Jay announced that we still need a new treasurer. There is currently $3,550.00 in the treasury. There will be no dues for the upcoming year.
The main agenda item was to discuss the recommendation of the ad hoc committee on tee distances. Bob Guarino presented the committee’s findings. Their recommendation is to change the back tee distances from 6,000 yds - 6,300 yds to 5,800 yds to 6,100 yds, and to change the front tee distances from 5,400 yds - 5,600 yds to 5,300 yds to 5,500 yds. They also recommended an index threshold of 14.9. After much discussion, the recommendation of the committee was accepted as to the tee distance changes, but the index threshold was put off until we can review data on the team rosters.
Jay asked if their were any suggestions of rule changes. Larry Stone suggested that we accelerate the roster selection and notification process by one day. We would change the current wording, “ By the Friday at 5 P.M. preceding play the visiting club contacts the host club to determine how many players the visiting club may bring to the match. The visiting club then sends its roster to the host club no later than 5 P.M. on Saturday. Host clubs are required to send a fully completed score sheet to the visiting club no later than 5P.M. on Sunday.” to “ By the Thursday at 5 P.M. preceding play the visiting club contacts the host club to determine how many players the visiting club may bring to the match. The visiting club then sends its roster to the host club no later than 5 P.M. on Friday. Host clubs are required to send a fully completed score sheet to the visiting club no later than 5P.M. on Saturday.” This was passed without objection.
The $50 charge for away games was discussed, and it was determined to be appropriate at this time.
Bob Guarino suggested that with the supply chain issues, teams should order their shirts by January.
Bob Bailey made a motion to set up the two divisions by random selection since it has been two years since any competition. The motion was defeated. The divisions will be as determined by the end of our last competitive full season (2019).
The next meeting will be on January 11, 2022 at Wycliffe.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Stone