The meeting was called to order at 7:55. Attendance was taken, and Boca Pointe and Hunters Run were not in present.
The Minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.
Sandy Cohn gave the Treasurer’s Report and we have $2460.
Larry Stone read an agreement from the Executive Committee regarding Indian Spring and the Fountains that are not currently in suitable condition.
The agreement is as follows:
“We have been in discussions with Indian Spring and the Fountains. All those involved agree that the courses are not up to our league standards.
We are suggesting that out of respect for the long standing participation in the League by both clubs, that the League wait until two weeks before the meeting on October 8 for the executive committee and the Standards and compliance chairman to evaluate the courses to see if there has been an acceptable improvement under their new agronomic plans. The decision will be in the sole discretion of the aforementioned group. If the decision is that one or both club’s courses have not met our standards, the club or clubs deemed deficient would be out of the league as of the October meeting.
We are further suggesting that for the duration of this season, all of Indian Spring and the Fountains scheduled home matches be switched to the home course of their opponents should the opponents so desire. If the visitors do not choose to or can’t host, they can choose to play at the originally scheduled venue, or they can choose not to play. If they choose not to play, it will be treated the same as a rainout with no points for either team and not a forfeit as long as the decision is announced by 5:00 pm on the Friday before the match.”
Following the reading of the statement, it was immediately brought up that Boca Lago might be included in this list of courses. Sandy Cohn gave a report that Boca Lago has invested significantly in the course with the hopes that it will show some immediate improvement. It was decided to await a report from Woodfield, who is playing there tomorrow, before making a final decision for this season.
It was stressed that, at this time, this agreement only applies to these two clubs, and that the refusal to play at any other club would be against the rules and would be a forfeit.
It was made clear that the League will no longer tolerate courses below our standards.
The Pace of Play issue was discussed, as we are having extreme temperatures this week. The Executive Committee decided to have a hard stop at 1pm to avoid our players being exposed to these elements. It was further discussed that we should make every effort to tee off early, and in any event, get the balls in the air by 8:30.
The 4 ½ hour rule was also discussed, as was picking up your ball when you are out of the hole and having rangers keeping the groups moving.
The “Play Any Tee” rule was brought up as there seemed to be a few abuses. A motion was brought forward to have every player play the tee he normally plays, and it was passed.
Andy Solomon from The Fountains made a presentation about their course, and the possibility that there would be a development going in with 190-350 homes. This would include revamping the South Course and part of the west course in the future.
Interclub billing was discussed again. Currently, only Boca West and Polo do not participate.
The next meeting is at Boca Woods on July 9 th.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:32.
Respectfully submitted,
Elliott Frieberg