February 11, 2014
Minutes:South County Governors Breakfast Meeting at Polo CC.
President Jerry Rosenzweig called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM 02/11/14.
Initially thanked Polo Country Club for the wonderful breakfast.
Thomas Mandler is acting this morning as the Secretary and called the roll with all clubs in attendance.
Pres Rosenzweig than asked for a volunteer to take over the duties of the Secretary until the next election.
Past Presidents attending this morning included Ron Masterman and Jerry Kaye.
Guests: 1) Ron Hoffman new captain at The Fountains 2) Herb Klein new captain at Boca Woods.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.
Treasurers report given by Thomas Mandler. Last meeting we had $ 1,693.66 / 15 checks for $175.00 for membership came in at the last meeting equaling $ 2,625.00 / this meeting we received the balance of three check outstanding for $525.00. We now have a total of $ 4,843.66 in the bank.
Committee Reports:
1) By Laws: Report given by Jerry Rosenzweig who went over the four various changes to the by-laws.
2) Booklet: The 2014 South County Golf Books will be distributed at the next meeting.
3) Expansion: No change.
4) Grievance / Publicity / Nominating / Website - No report.
5) Good & Welfare - We need a volunteer to assume the committee.
6) Scheduling: Jerry Kaye handed out the schedule for this years competition.
7) Scoring: Howard handed out sheets for all new captains to fill in if there are any changes in/new club pro's / changes in the golf course / e-mail/phone numbers/websites.
Presidents Report: Should the number of captains for each club be uniform or the number to be determined by each Governor? Just think about it and discuss during the next meeting.
From now on Boca C.C and Bocaire will use Bocaire as the home club for golf matches.
Next months meeting will be at Bocaire C.C. on 03/11/14.
Jerry Rosenzweig announced that the Presidents tournament will be held at Mizner C.C.
Old Business - None.
New Business - None.
Good & Welfare - The first golf matches for the year will begin during the last week of April.
Jerry's closing thoughts were we are South County Golf members for both commeradery and competition.
At 8:35 AM there was a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting.
Respectively submitted / Thomas Mandler